Holdem Time

Location: Barstow, California

Retired military, still working, 3rd marriage and I feel I got it right this time.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Showing a profit.
Well, nine months of playing online poker have passed by. Until January, 2006, online poker was costing me an average of $30 per month. Hell, it costs more than that for my wife and I to go out to dinner and a movie.
So imagine how extatic I was when I finally showed a profit for January, 2006. True, it was only $6.62, but, it was MY $6.62.
Move over Gus Hansen. There is a new player at the table.
I have enjoyed this website that was suggested to me by an online opponent whose name I do not recall.
PokerChamps.com is a fun site with real money games as well as play money games. You can play freeroll games for a chance to win real money. You can play ring games or tournaments. Points are collected for each real money game that is played and the weekly point total determines the bonus amount distributed to the players account on friday.
I still have yet to experience a non-internet, live texas holdem game. I also have not played a real money ring game.
I have recently heard of a site called DoylesRoom.com. I have downloaded it, but, have not played it yet.
I am going to strive to get better at Texas holdem this year and this will be tracked by my monthly net profit/loss. I look forward to the games.